One of the things that I always love doing with anything new, especially gadgets, is to figure out how to work the capabilities of that gadget. After reading the camera manual, I decided to test the settings.
This was taken in the afternoon, and as you must’ve guessed, this picture is underexposed. When I tried post processing, it was a rather harsh result. So I’ve left it at that.
As usual, please direct all comments and opinions here…. I’d love to learn.
I'm not a very technical guy when it comes to these things...but just like u can have an ear for music and not necessarily need to go by the book if you have the gift, same way you can learn to develop an eye for photography. What I normally do is try clicking the same pic with different apertures and focal lengths in the manual mode and check out the results. A very useful tip which I figured out myself and you will find in any manuals is - try taking the pic (you don't have to actually even take it) in auto mode and half click the shoot button and it should show u the default values for the aperture and focal length. For a beginner try using this as your reference point and then work your way through different settings. Save your results and study them. Eventually you will develop a knack of what values work with what kinda light settings. All the best! I have a DSLR an I just love it. You can check out some of the outdoor/low light and B&W (which I love) photography in my FB pics!